11-11: Faces of Postpartum Patreon Crowdfunding Event

“In both the art and the business worlds, the difference between the amateurs and the professionals is simple: The professionals know they’re winging it. The amateurs pretend they’re not.”

- Amanda Palmer


Hi, my name is Ariane, I am a professional artist winging it daily.
I am (also) asking for your financial help.

Phew. That was… uncomfortable.

But I am here nonetheless, an open-book, creator, “curator of (postpartum) beauty” — title a friend of mine gifted me not too long ago and that I’m fully embracing.

In the past couple of months, it became increasingly clear that I could not keep up with the work pace I am currently trying to sustain. 

For a little over a year now, I’ve been torn between getting a “real” job to support myself and my family and asking for help. For more help.

Today is the day.


11-11 is a 31-day crowdfunding event hosted on my Patreon.

It will run from July 11 to August 11, 2021 (my birthday!)

As I turn 35, I’m envisioning $1111 (or more!) a month to help support the making, running, planning, and dreaming of Faces of Postpartum.


Because I love this project so freaking much it hurts.

Because I want to believe that sustainable artistic projects can be funded and supported by the very audience that reads, watches, and listens to the postpartum stories I share monthly.

I LOVE working directly with my community, as opposed to looking for sponsors or for-profit companies. This way, I am able to make my own decisions based on unshakeable core values (inclusivity, political activism, hospitality) without compromising or censoring myself.

To turn to other humans and ask for help is a big leap for me.

But today, I choose to trust and believe in the magic of crowd-funded art, for and by the people I long to serve.


This event will take place on my Patreon for the duration of the campaign,

Patreon is a platform that allows you to pay me a monthly (or yearly) ongoing salary. Everybody pitches in what they can, and I can assure you that a little goes a long way!

How much?

Pledges go as low as $1.50 and as high as $100 a month.

All pledge levels provide the same access to the content on the Patreon page: exclusive release before anyone else (a big one is coming on the weekend of July 17, wink wink!), behind-the-scenes, Q&As, and everything else that might cross my hyperactive mind.

Where will the money go?

Throughout these 31 days, I will explain in detail here and on social media how much it cost to create Faces of Postpartum.

For now, I will only say that almost ALL the money from my Patreon goes back into paying my staff, costs, and funnels to other artists and makers.

If this campaign goes beyond my wildest dreams, I will also shave off portions of the profit to support other non-profit and charities that help postpartum people.

I want this Patreon to be my starting point, the hub where everything happens in real-time, but outside the “publish or perish” demand of social media.

It also allows folx to feel invested in the making of this amazing and communal project, in a space where we make the rules (not the algorithms or a profit-based business.)

I despise the idea of having to “sell” Faces of Postpartum in order to make it sustainable. Coming up with an ethical way to do business, survive, and thrive in this capitalistic world of ours was fundamental.

So if you are not donating already, please consider becoming a sustaining patron.

Your support matters.
Your presence matters.
And every little bit counts.

Love, always.