Our Impact
Between 2017 and 2022, we have given more than 200 postpartum parents a voice through documentary storytelling. We committed to sharing radically inclusive stories that place gestating, birthing, adoptive, and postpartum parents and their partners at the center of our work. The project might have come to an end, but the stories continue on living.
postpartum stories shared
Covering topics that range from birth, breastfeeding, near-miss survivors, mental health care, advocacy, marriage, social class, race, loss, adoption, and so much more.
Thousand people reached
Monthly across social media platforms and unique visitors on the site. That’s a lot of people committed to making sure postpartum people are seen and heard.
Selected Press
The Washington Post
‘Becoming a mother broke me’: For a woman collecting pandemic postpartum stories, the work is personal” by Theresa Vargas.
La Presse (FR)
“Post-partum et pandémie” by Rima Elkouri. “Si une seule personne lit ça et se dit : “Ouf ! Je ne suis pas toute seule”, j’aurai fait mon job!”
“New moms are dying at alarming rates in the US, but the hidden crisis is that many of these deaths are suicides” by Anna Medaris Miller