S02E10 - Jenna Berendzen - Doctor of Nursing Practice in Psychiatry, Mom of Two, and fellow PMADs Survivor⁠


Faces of Postpartum—The Podcast is a show about the postpartum period and its multiple variations, hosted by Ariane Audet.

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Jenna Berendzen - Doctor of Nursing Practice in Psychiatry, Mom of Two, and fellow PMADs Survivor⁠

IIn this episode, Jenna shares a story of hardships, resiliency, and generosity. ⁠

After the birth of her first son in 2011, Jenna suffered from acute postpartum depression and landed in the Perinatal Psychiatry Inpatient Unit at the University of North Carolina - the same unit our founder, Ariane Audet, attended, six years after Jenna. ⁠

She talks about this experience as the scariest of her existence, but also one that changed the trajectory of her professional and personal life. ⁠⁠

She also discusses electing to have a c-section for her own mental and physical health (and loving it), mothering after having lost her parents, and how often grief coexists with love. ⁠

Finally, she shares her wisdom on how to better support postpartum people, her thoughts on screening for depression and anxiety, and how to help empower new parents in these challenging times. ⁠



Show Notes

Erin Bagwell’s documentary about her first year postpartum: Year One Movie.
NPR Episode about the Perinatal Psychiatry Inpatient Unit opening in 2011.


Full Transcript

Coming soon…